Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101- Ready To Go

Alright, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Tomorrow morning we will be leaving bright and early to head to Florida!  I am sort of excited but mostly freaking out right now.  If you know me in real life you know that I hate, hate, HATE to fly.  I get so nervous, palms sweaty, just short of a panic attack.  I can't help it.  I'm a logical, fairly intelligent adult but for some reason I just can't move past it.  Luckily I haven't let it stop me from going anywhere but from now until my feet are safely back on the ground tomorrow afternoon I will be in full on nervous mode. When you add in a 3 year old and an extremely active 18 month old you already know this is going to be an interesting trip!

So it seems that the blog will be on a break for the next 8 days.  I of course will be taking a million pictures of the whole experience but I won't be able to share them until I get back.  There is no way I am lugging my laptop with me through the airport.  Trust me when I say I have enough stuff to lug with the two kids!  Be prepared for a day by day catch up next week.  Until then wish me luck and a safe journey (it can't hurt right?!)

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